Read with your child every night.
Practise saying and writing sight words.
Teach your child how to hold a pencil.
Teach your child to write their name.
Teach your child to tie their own shoelaces.
Practise counting forwards and backwards to and from 20.
Practise saying the days of the week in order.
Levels 1 & 2
Read to and with your child every night.
Practise saying the months in order.
Practice writing letters in lowercase.
Practise saying and writing sight words and high frequency words.
Show your child money and help them learn their value (eg 5c, 10c, 20c etc)
Practise counting forwards and backwards to and from 100.
Skip counting by 2, 5 and 10.
Spend time together as a family playing a game, watching a movie, going for a walk etc.
Levels 3 & 4
Encourage your child to read independently at night before bed. Ask them questions about what they read: Who were the main characters? What are they like? What was the problem in the story? Where does the story take place? What was the solution to the problem?
Work with your child on their homework and work towards encouraging independence. Remind them it is their responsibility to remember homework.
Encourage child to pack their own lunch or write their own lunch order.
Practise timestables with your child. Start with 2’s, 3’s, 5’s and 10’s and then work on the others.
Discuss highlights of the school day with your child.
Spend time together as a family playing a game, watching a movie, going for a walk etc.
Levels 5 & 6
Remind children they are legally not allowed to be on social media.
Teach child responsibility for their homework, notices and time management.
Encourage your child to be organised by reminding them to write in their school diaries.
Make sure your child reads every night.
Practise timestables 1-12 with your child.