Wellbeing for Students

During this change to our learning, mental and social-emotional wellbeing is paramount to keeping a positive and healthy lifestyle. We encourage all students, parents, carers and families to practise self-care and wellbeing.

During this change to our daily routines, looking after our physical and mental wellbeing is paramount to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. We encourage all students, parents, carers and families to practise self-care every day.

Below are some resources that you might find useful to access:

General help and advice for parents


Mental Health:


-          This is a space for parents and students to build safe, inclusive and connected school communities that promote wellbeing and learning.


-          One of Australia’s leading psychologists in child and adolescent mental health. Resources tab and information on discussing COVID-19 with children


-          Website with a great app to help combat anxiety and stress for all ages


-          A range of quick resources dealing with different emotions for all ages



-          A wide range of child friendly yoga and mindfulness (meditation and breathing) activities


-          Meditations, breathing exercises, journal ideas, sleep meditations

Although students will need to be working from home, it is also important to remember that these are new and unsure times for everyone. Please note that when home schooling your child…

“It might be stressful. If things get worse you’re going to get stressed. Your kids might be scared of things they’ve heard or seen on TV. Arguing with your kids to do work is not what anyone needs right now. Instead, cuddle up together and read, read, read. Take turns reading. Read them your favourite novel (yes, you can read novels to kindergarten age kids). Do a puzzle, Build a fort. Bake. Watch TV together. Paint. Get out the Lego and build together. Set up a tent in your living room and camp out. Look at photos of when you were kids. In other words, don’t stress about them forgetting. Don’t stress about home schooling them. Just spend time together. Your kids won’t learn much if they’re feeling stressed. Though this is a scary time, it could be the time they remember as the best time in their life.”